Must Protect


    Ecosystem isn’t only defined as a place we can live in or an environment, but it’s a valuable home, richest gift and connections to different diversities. Ecosystems depend on all parts to work the way they are supposed to and must maintain a delicate balance in order to stay vital. For past few years and decades, the destruction has been repeatedly executed, consequences exploiting has been seriously taken and unnecessary actions are gone to far.

    The picture of devastation must be resolved properly and accurately alter it to a positive image. Catastrophe changed into success, growth and resiliency. Brainstorming and planning was beautifully designed, the World Environment Day is focus in the ecosystem restoration and its theme is “Reimagine. Recreate. Restore.”  This significant platform means preventing, halting and reversing this damage, to go from exploiting nature to healing it. This World Environment Day will kick off the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030), a global mission to revive billions of hectares, from forests to farmlands, from the top of mountains to the depth of the sea, and stop the collapse of biodiversity. It is globally celebrated every year on June 5 and is the United Nations’ principal amplifier to encourage awareness, increase promotion of environmental rights, widening knowledge and achieving genuine roles. Organizations, non or government officials are taking processes and actions to revive our falling ecosystem, investing strategies to arisen our environmental health, voicing & reaching out for great purposes, and adapting the eloquent way of living that we must protect and enhance our ecosystem.

“People and the planet are only as healthy as the ecosystems we all depend on. Bringing degraded ecosystems back to life – for example by planting trees, cleaning up riverbanks, or simply giving nature space to recover – increases their benefits to society and biodiversity. Without reviving ecosystems, we cannot achieve the Sustainable Development Goals or the Paris Climate Agreement. But ecosystems are also complex and highly varied, and their restoration needs careful planning and patient implementation.” (UN, 2021)


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