Positive Change is a Process and Awareness is Essence


Awareness is a powerful tool, movements are highly essential in life and change is a process. Reminiscing the images of world yesterday was bit different due to the happenings in reality. As the exploration and journey continues; the time travels, innovation comes by and development was unstoppable. The processes of living became larger, advanced and beyond the past. Those foundations of upgrades results numerous factors, aftermath and impacts in aspects of life. Because of the establishments and some constructed improvements that must be truly beneficial for humans but in actuality, there were also disadvantages and damaging effects. Aside from inflicted failure, consequential challenges, alarming incidents and presence of a numerous difficulties, environmental issues are also devastating which is a sign unhealthy living, negative habits, irresponsibility and even toxicity. Climate change and Global Warming, two major and widely problems that was not that much taken concern matter in gone years. Changes of average conditions is called Climate change while Global Warming is unusual rapid increase of the planet’s overall temperature. Those situations was slowly killing environment. Every emitted and little cast of rubbish and wastes serves as a viruses, poisons and toxin that threats all existing matters in planet earth. There were many different reason or causes and effects that has large impacts in survival of life. Presence of serious and harmful inevitable consequences due to uncontrolled habits, harsh activities and abusive actions of humans. It includes increasing of pollution and degradation that sometimes neglected. Witnessing how the apparent blue sky with bright clouds replaced by adverse and noxious dark gases from holes, some aesthetic panoramic views turned into unsightly situations, the crystal clear bodies of water was damaged, grants of breeze feelings provided by the fresh air suddenly became risky, waves of calmness was ruined, pleasant and peaceful sound was transform into loud noises and the worst was nature destruction slowly becoming human’s nature. Environmental issues are horrible and getting severe hopping to the stage where Earth was losing its own magic and missing the true liveliness of nature. The planet have gone through such a great loss and increasing level of unsustainability time by time. If the phenomenon continuously occur, possible case that all life living almost on the peak of danger. How can humans enrich the wounded environment? What productive steps could make the planet healthy again? How can beings move forward together to create an astonishing environment?

Operations proceeded and planned for furtherance in enhancing the protection and awareness about the environment. One of the course that implemented was the Climate Change Consciousness Week. It is an annual celebration yet bearing great responsibilities, systems, broad development, essential aims and highlighting numerous educational program around environment and awareness. Both being and nature plays extremely important roles that must healthily accomplished to attain a sustainable, conservation and achieving the continuous impact of growth and development for the future. A service declared presidential proclamation No. 1667 entitled Global Warming and Climate Change Consciousness Week. The Proclamation aims to create awareness on global warming and climate change by pursuing broad and intensive public information and educational campaign to secure the collective cooperation of private and public sectors at all levels in finding solutions to this concern. The Proclamation calls on all agencies, government offices and instrumentalities to collaborate in coordination with the private sector, and in liaison with the United Nations family to conduct and participate in relevant activities. Also, the Climate Change Commission, with the President of the Republic of the Philippines as its chairperson, involves facilitating the conduct of week-long activities focusing on climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction together with relevant agencies in coordination with key stakeholders and private sector institutions. Widely and knowledgeable objectives including platform of knowledge exchange, climate adaptation, good practices and foster greater collaborations. The essential activities focusing about environment is about whole week only but contributes great impacts and moral influences, can be a lifetime education, fulfilling responsibilities, observance and aiming for ensuring environmental success. Amidst of the novel pandemic which is truly an inflicted burden, the nurture campaign serves as an advocates, encouragement, guidance and also a progress. The theme “Adapting for a Sustainable Future” promoting a framework for the security against negative effects, emphasis, surpass, productivity and withstand advantages for future generations. Furthermore, the proclamation includes ideas, plans, mobilization and unity, support, increase of understanding and strategies are practiced to achieve the resiliency.

The pathways for sustainable future development covering all aspects of existence. Adaptation often conjunct with sustainable future growth due to the nature issues to adjust and respond effectively through positive change. Identifying priorities engaging for attentions in addressing issues for the sake of future. It will also require policies, wider information and factual procedures to manage the sustainability. Execution of accurate decisions and right evaluations to fill the gaps and emerging demands when it comes about environment. Initiatives for development, activism and possessing positive traits are also essential for preparation in order to improve the quality of life. It is not only seeking for betterment but it is an approach to triumph, proposing agendas with great obligation, beneficial change, positive contributes, healthy lifestyle and conducting the true definition and essence of adapting sustainable future. Amidst of the global pandemic situation, moving forward must be invincible, harmonized, inclusive and coherent.

Embracing adaptation and think how world evolves with relevance and deal with true life. Have courage and skills for sustainable future. As Davis Orr well-stated, When we heal the Earth, we heal ourselves. The cycle starts within our own self that upgrades until sustainability of future achieved.  Awareness, change and acceptance are some steps of process. The environments sake is always in everyone’s hand and minds on how to act and ethics in order to depict the defined maintainable future. The ultimate test of human’s conscience may be the willingness to sacrifice something for future generation whose words of thanks will not be heard as Gaylord Nelson delivers heartwarming quotes that everyone could be touched. Lastly, awareness is a way for steward and consisting integral knowledge. The world may not be as exact same before but possibly improve and become more wholesome and step by step, every wound, pain and resentment will be healed and bloom if humans will have unity, care and affection for earth.




GOVPH, Climate Change Consciousness Week, https://climate.gov.ph/events/climate-change-consciousness-week/13th-annual-global-warming-and-climate-change-consciousness-week#:~:text=The%20Proclamation%20aims%20to%20create,finding%20solutions%20to%20this%20concern.

Learning for Sustainability, Managing Adaptation in a Changing World. https://learningforsustainability.net/adaptation/


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  1. Knowledge and awareness is powerful but knowledge and awareness with action is much powerful. I've learned a lot reading your article. I hope who ever across and read your article will do his or her contribution regarding this issue. Kudos, Meizy!

  2. Your blog is great Meizy. I can see the effort you exerted in making this article. I’ve learned a lot while reading. You did a great job. God bless!

  3. Hello Meizy!!! I truly agree that the cycle starts within our own self that upgrades until sustainability of future achieved. Carry on inspiring!

  4. I like that you are enlightened with these issues, and you were able to share these pieces of knowledge with us. I attain new information with your article. And I agree that it will all start with ourselves, and with unity and willingness to improve our planet, we can surely enhance the earth. Have a great day.

  5. Great job Meizy! I really love your ideas and I totally agree with everything you have written in your article. Thank you and continue raising awareness. Godbless and stay safe!


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